Actress Alexis Rhee featured in two upcoming films and film festivals in New York

Hollywood,CA – Actress Alexis Rhee will be featured as a supporting actress in two powerful upcoming short films.



The ChoiFamily

MauriceKanbarInstitute of Film Television & New Media  Festival Shorts, Saturday, April 2, 2011   Cantor Film Center,  Theater 200, 36 East 8th street, New York, New York 10003

Rhee’s character is Mrs. Choi (mother of the boy who massacred the Virginia Tech students and the professors a few years ago, which was in the news).

” This story is about the aftermath of this massacre and the views of each of his family,” said Rhee, “and I’m sure a lot of people remember this story.   They flew me to Virgina last year and shot this within a week.   I had to go through a lot of of soul searching to do this role.”

(Korean American Film Festival New York)

Another gripping drama premiering at the Korean Film Festival in New York is DEFACE

Deface also boasts a notable supporting cast,
including Alexis Rhee (whose credits include Blade Runner’s “Billboard Geisha”) as Sooyoung’s fellow slave (that is the right term), Jeung-un by Joe Bendel.

Actress Alexis Rhee, whose long list of film credits include the blockbuster Oscar-winning Crash(2004); On the Rocks (2006), Norbit (2007) and The Things We Carry (2009), and hit TV shows such as LostER and Gilmore Girls to name a few, is also an accomplished violinist.

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